1 App tagged with “Web Tools”
Gain insights about your visitors and users without Google Analytics
With 100% data ownership you get the power to protect your use
Matomo, originally Piwik, began as an open source alternative to Google Analytics in 2007. Meaning “honesty” in Japanese, the name Matomo reflects the culture of the community, contributors and staff, who are dedicated to delivering a valuable and user-centric digital analytics platform.
After Matomo is launched, follow the simple [on-screen steps](https://matomo.org/faq/on-premise/installing-matomo/#set-up-your-first-website) to generate a JavaScript tracking code and insert it into your website’s code. From there, check out Matomo’s [video guides](https://matomo.org/web-analytics-training) on how to dig into your data and create insightful reports.
Website: Matomo