
Unlike Google Analytics, you can use Matomo without cookie consent banners. To comply with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), every website using Google Analytics in Europe needs to request consent from visitors to use third-party cookies. Some website owners report a 5-10% drop in visitors when forced to display a tracking consent screen.
Matomo, originally Piwik, began as an open source alternative to Google Analytics in 2007. Meaning “honesty” in Japanese, the name Matomo reflects the culture of the community, contributors and staff, who are dedicated to delivering a valuable and user-centric digital analytics platform.
After Matomo is launched, follow the simple on-screen steps to generate a JavaScript tracking code and insert it into your website’s code. From there, check out Matomo’s video guides on how to dig into your data and create insightful reports.
- Securely track personal data in accordance with privacy laws
- Import historical Google Analytics data
- No data sampling means more accurate results
- Supports an unlimited number of websites, users, and segments
- Actionable insights and a complete picture of your customers
- User-friendly interface
- Customizable and extensible
- Support plans available from Matomo
- 50+ languages available
- Open source application
1-week free trial!
Host With Us
- Flat monthly pricing per app
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run on a private VPS
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service included
- Clovyr technical support
Bring Your Own Host
- Free
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run in the cloud account you already have
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service not included
- Clovyr technical support not included
- No Clovyr account required
Add Clovyr secure backup and recovery service for $5/app