
MediaWiki has existed for over 20 years and is supported by a large and active open source community. The MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group consists of developers, system administrators, users, consultants, and hosting providers who cooperate in order to improve the software and advocate the needs of MediaWiki users. MediaWiki is a project of the nonprofit Wikimedia Foundation, which provides the essential infrastructure for free knowledge including Wikipedia.
MediaWiki helps you to collect and organize knowledge and make it available to a team or the world. Create private wikis for journaling or research, or publish your content with the option for open collaboration. It's powerful, multilingual, free and open, extensible, customizable, reliable, and free of charge.
MediaWiki is great for creating an internal knowledgebase for your team to keep track of almost anything. Wikis automatically track edit history, so you can learn to collaborate in the wiki way: make bad changes easy to fix rather than hard to make.
Creating your own wiki is also a great way to practice skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
- Easy navigation
- Customizable look and feel
- Editing, formatting, and referencing
- File uploading
- Searchable content
- Multi Language support
- User management
- Online publication and syndication
- Community built extensions
- 100+ languages supported
- Open source application
1-week free trial!
Host With Us
- Flat monthly pricing per app
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run on a private VPS
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service included
- Clovyr technical support
Bring Your Own Host
- Free
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run in the cloud account you already have
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service not included
- Clovyr technical support not included
- No Clovyr account required
Add Clovyr secure backup and recovery service for $5/app