
Mastodon doesn’t contain ads or push suggested content. Mastodon’s settings allows users and communities to self-govern and remove offensive accounts from their server, without the ability to kick anyone off the platform. Each server creates their own rules and regulations, which are enforced locally and not top-down, like traditional social media. Join a server with rules you agree with, or host your own. Make your corner of the internet a little more like you.
Mastodon is a decentralized social network where users can publish 500-character messages with pictures, polls, videos and more. Find your crew and reach your audience with familiar posting tools, while optionally limiting the reach of your content to reduce the chance for trolls to derail conversation.
Run a node (server) for yourself individually, or host one for your friends and community. Mastodon uses the ActivityPub standard, which interoperates with other popular social media alternatives like Pixelfed.
- Supports audio, video, pictures, polls and more
- Animated avatars
- Custom emojis
- Content warnings
- Accessibility descriptions
- Thumbnail crop control
- Manage your audience without middlemen
- Interoperable with federated ActivityPub sites
- Open source application
1-week free trial!
Host With Us
- Flat monthly pricing per app
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run on a private VPS
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service included
- Clovyr technical support
Bring Your Own Host
- Free
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run in the cloud account you already have
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service not included
- Clovyr technical support not included
- No Clovyr account required
Add Clovyr secure backup and recovery service for $5/app