
Aperture is an implementation of L402s as a reverse HTTP proxy. Aperture is a reverse proxy that acts as a payment and authentication gateway for Lightning Network powered APIs. It can handle gRPC requests over HTTP/2 as well as REST over HTTP/1 and 2. Aperture receives incoming connections, verifies the validity of the and either forwards the request to the appropriate end point, or obtains a and sends it together with a Lightning invoice and the HTTP status code 402 Payment Required.
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- Flat monthly pricing per app
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run on a private VPS
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service included
- Clovyr technical support
Bring Your Own Host
- Free
- No configuration know-how needed
- Access and manage apps privately from any browser
- Try apps hassle-free, keep the ones you love!
- Apps run in the cloud account you already have
- Automated, end-to-end encrypted backup and recovery service not included
- Clovyr technical support not included
- No Clovyr account required
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